Simple Mixed Berry Smoothie Bowl Recipe

The smoothie bowl craze has been a thing for a while now and for the longest time they just didn’t look appealing to me. I didn’t think there was much of a difference between drinking a smoothie and putting it in a bowl to eat with toppings and a spoon…

Enter my recent trip to Oahu, Hawaii where I had my first smoothie bowl and became obsessed. After coming home I went on a mission to try and reproduce what I had in Hawaii by trying other shops that sell bowls and experimenting at home. And so far, this recipe has turned out to be my staple.


Mixed Berry Acai Bowl

Prep Time: 10 minutes


For the base, you need 1.5 cups of frozen mixed berries, half a banana, a fourth of an avocado, a tablespoon of chia seeds, two tablespoons of pea protein powder, a small handful of spinach and a cup of coconut water (add more water for thinner consistency). You can add or take away any ingredients to suit you. These just happen to be my personal faves. Blend away!



Toppings are similar in that you can add or take away anything to serve your needs and taste. My typical toppings go as such: a knife full (really precise, I know) of some type of nut butter, cacao nibs, honey, granola, chia seeds, strawberries, the rest of my banana and blueberries. As far as toppings go, add as little or as much as you would like!






Published by

Dennis a

Vietnam Vet

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