Frustration and the Navy Girlfriend

Last week I was supposed to be at Disney World meeting Mickey Mouse for the first time in my life.  However, Taylor’s graduation got pushed back so that plan flew right out the window. After that, we planned out this big road trip stopping at all the beautiful places we have always wanted to see before he gets deployed. I got time off from my job and I started making reservations for all the things we wanted to do. Taylor’s leave got pushed back a second time and the whole road trip went out the window….again.

Continue reading Frustration and the Navy Girlfriend

Book Review: Five Military Love Languages by Gary Chapman

When me and Taylor first started dating it was all rainbows and roses. Gifts were regularly sent to my house. Our letters to each other seemed like they were taken out of your favorite romance novel or movie. I woke up every morning to at least a three page text with words of how wonderful of a human being I am and how in love he is with me.

Then life started to set in and there went our “honeymoon” phase. No more random gifts and no gifts for even Valentine’s Day. The random cards in the mail started to dwindle. The long texts became just a few words.

Continue reading Book Review: Five Military Love Languages by Gary Chapman

The Horrors of My Boyfriend’s 12-hour Shifts and How I Deal With Them

….I have a phone full of these kinds of messages. The only time Taylor has a chance to talk is late at night but I have to go to sleep early because I wake up early to go to work. I text Taylor for maybe 30 minutes in the morning and then I get the message that he is leaving for work.

Now, don’t get me wrong, he is very sweet in telling me to have a good day and reminding me that I’m loved everyday. I like that about him but I absolutely hate getting these messages because I know what it means: another 12 hours of not talking.

…Which really sucks. He’s my best friend and all this stuff in my life is happening and I’m sure he has a lot on his mind and I can’t tell him any of it because he is always gone. This frustrates me, infuriates me at times even. But over the past few months, I have learned a thing or two about dealing with this…

Continue reading The Horrors of My Boyfriend’s 12-hour Shifts and How I Deal With Them

Handeling Negative Comments About Your Military Relationship

Every time I tell someone about my military relationship, I get one of two reactions. The person I am telling is either curious, asks some small talk questions about it, knows someone in the military too, etc. or they make the most negative comments.

Continue reading Handeling Negative Comments About Your Military Relationship

Airline Prices Got Your Wallet Feeling Skinny?


Air fare literally gives me anxiety. Every time I go to book a trip, I have to do some yoga breathing and cross my fingers and toes hoping that airline prices are in my budget range. For a long time I considered getting a credit card that rewarded with airline miles (still in consideration) but I have it good at the bank where I currently am so I am kind of eh about switching over.

Continue reading Airline Prices Got Your Wallet Feeling Skinny?