When Your SO Is Stationed Somewhere You Don’t Want

I was about to start teaching the first kickboxing class of the night when I got a text from Taylor saying, “Guess what?!”. I replied back with the usual, “What??!!” and waited for a response.

I walked up to the small black ledge in the corner of our studio where today’s workout is posted. I placed my phone on the ledge covered with old coffee stains and went to scan over the day’s work out when my phone buzzed.

I grabbed it and looked really quick, curious as to what Taylor was excited about…and then my heart dropped into my stomach.

Not the good kind of dropped either. Like the I’m going to puke kind. The “I really wish I had a time machine so I can go back and choose not to read that” kind.

I placed, or rather tossed my phone, back down on the old coffee stains and turned on to the mat and tried to be as happy and pleasant as I could for the members trying to take class. I didn’t think about what I read.

Continue reading When Your SO Is Stationed Somewhere You Don’t Want

The Horrors of My Boyfriend’s 12-hour Shifts and How I Deal With Them

….I have a phone full of these kinds of messages. The only time Taylor has a chance to talk is late at night but I have to go to sleep early because I wake up early to go to work. I text Taylor for maybe 30 minutes in the morning and then I get the message that he is leaving for work.

Now, don’t get me wrong, he is very sweet in telling me to have a good day and reminding me that I’m loved everyday. I like that about him but I absolutely hate getting these messages because I know what it means: another 12 hours of not talking.

…Which really sucks. He’s my best friend and all this stuff in my life is happening and I’m sure he has a lot on his mind and I can’t tell him any of it because he is always gone. This frustrates me, infuriates me at times even. But over the past few months, I have learned a thing or two about dealing with this…

Continue reading The Horrors of My Boyfriend’s 12-hour Shifts and How I Deal With Them

The “How Well Do You Actually Know Your Partner” Game


When I was little I used to watch “The Newlywed Game” all the time with my grandma. I loved seeing people’s quirks and thinking about if I could answer those same questions about the people I loved. After awhile, they stopped playing that show and I forgot about it.

Until now. I saw on Sugar and Sunshine’s blog (a very lovely blog by the way) a game that is exactly like “The Newlywed Game” minus the game show host and overly excited audience. You answer a question about your partner and if you get it right that’s a point! If not, you don’t gain or lose any points.

So, on one of our weekly Sunday Skype dates we decided to answer 20 questions about each other to see who knew the most. And here’s how that went…

Continue reading The “How Well Do You Actually Know Your Partner” Game